Genadijs started out as an actor at the age of 8, when he was discovered by a Drama Teacher at school and offered to play Huckleberry Finn in the School's production of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Completely overwhelmed and astounded by Theatre, its magic, possibilities and influence on people's souls, Genadijs decided to dedicate his life to acting and directing. In 1987 he graduated from Latvian Music Academy (Theatre Faculty) and became a professional actor with Riga Russian Drama Theatre. In 1996, he went even futher and graduated from Latvia Culture Academy with Masters Degree in Arts (Acting/Directing). Since 1999, Genadijs has been living in Toronto working in Film and TV, including Hollywood and Canadian productions. In 2010, he was nominated for Gemini Award in the category "Best Supporting Actor".Working in Film and Theatre, he was always thinking about necessity of Theatre and Film education for kids. Over the years, Genadijs has created and implemented several art programs aimed at children and teenagers. These days, combining his work as independent Canadian Film/Theatre director and actor with teaching, Genadijs continues to
Genadijs Dolganovs
develop and implement his creative ideas Artisticly Directing the FOCUS School.
Based on more than 30 years of his professional experience, Genadijs Dolganovs stongly believes that Arts education and, most importantly, participation in Arts deeply supports not only children's cognitive, emotional, social and physical development, but also mental health, creativity and resilience. All that, and only that, helps the learners to achieve their full potential in school and in life.