"What Makes The World a Better Place" FOCUS Film Festival 2016
Held at "FOX Theatre" in Toronto on June 5, 2016, the Festival showcased animated short films made by kids from the Greater Toronto Area in two categories: "Best Film" Award and "Audience Choice" Award.

"Best Film" Award Winner:
"I Love" by Maria Chukalovskaya
"Best Film" Award Nominees:
"LIFE" by Alina Shirinova, Filmberries Productions
"Extraordinary Birds" by Stepan Velichko, Studio Pochemuchka
"Kindness and Careness" by Liana Shirinova, Filmberries
"I Love", created by Maria Chukalovskaya, Studio Pochemuchka
"My Dream" by Giancarlo Haidar, ACE After-Four Childrens' enrichment Program
"Lioness and Giraffe" by Maya Kvetnyi, Studio Pochemuchka
"Happily Ever After" by Sarina Piroznia, Pinar Ari and Anastasia Filipoiu, Rendezvous Child Care Centre
"The Tree" by Hannah Halpern, Studio Pochemuchka

"Audience Choice" Award Nominees:
"Alphabet" by Theodore Bondarenko, Anna Choulova, Nicole Ionova, Daniel Speziali, Gianluka Speciali, Vicky Yurchenko, FOCUS School
"Magic Rainbow", created by Liana Shirinova, Filmberries
"Chimney Sweeper" by Hannah Halpern, Studion Pochemuchka
"Apple Pie" by Maxim Besshaposhnikov, FOCUS School
"Little Dwelling" by Anna Choulova, Anna Veloumian, Viktoria Veloumian, Eliana Sivan, FOCUS School
"The Quartet", created by Maxim Besshaposhnikov, Anna Choulova, Maya Makhmud, Andrew Torgovtsev, Oleg Yurchenko, Vicky Yurchenko, Polina Valiakhmetova, FOCUS School
"Audience Choice" Award Winner:
"The Quartet", created by Maxim Besshaposhnikov, Anna Choulova, Maya Makhmud, Andrew Torgovtsev, Oleg Yurchenko, Vicky Yurchenko, Polina Valiakhmetova